Favorites/bookmarks >
Adding UpToTen.com -
UpToTen.com as your homepage
Finding us more easily
What are favorites/bookmarks for ?
Internet Explorer has a drop down menu "Favorites" ("Bookmarks" in Netscape Navigator).
You can add your favorite sites to this menu. When you want to visit a site, there is no need to type the address (or even remember it !) - just select the site in the drop down menu and your browser will take you there !
How can I add UpToTen.com to my favorites (bookmarks) ?
Just click here OR click on this icon when you see it in the site |
How can I delete a site from my favorites (bookmarks) ?
"Favorites" drop down menu —› "organize Favorites" —› Select the site to delete —› "Delete"
You can have UpToTen.com open automatically every time you start your Internet Explorer or Netscape.
Internet Explorer :
Click here.
2. A window will open asking you "Do you want to set your Homepage to http://www.uptoten.com".
3. Click on "Yes".
Next time you open Internet Explorer, UpToTen.com will open automatically...
How can I stop UpToTen.com opening every time I start Internet Explorer ?
1. "Tools" drop-down menu —› "Internet Options" —› "Homepage" —› "Address"
2. Click on "Use Blank" or replace http://www.uptoten.com with another address of your choice
3. Click on "OK"
Netscape :
1. Copy this text : http://www.uptoten.com
(select it, right-click with your mouse, then select "Copy" in the drop-down menu) :
2. Rollover "Edit" in Netscape
3. Select "Preferences from the "Edit" drop-down
4. Select "Navigator"
5. Paste the text into "Location" in the section Homepage (right-click with your mouse, then select "Paste" in the drop-down menu)
Next time you open Netscape, UpToTen.com will open automatically...
How can I stop UpToTen.com opening every time I start Netscape ?
1. "Edit" drop-down menu —› Preferences —› Navigator
2. Delete the text http://www.uptoten.com from "Location"
3. Click on "OK"